Thankyou to those who participated in the consultation on the designs for affordable housing at 1F Ashline St, Wollert. Please see below for a summary of the consultation outcomes and information about the homes at 1F Ashline St that will be provided to local people who most need them.
In April 2023, the City of Whittlesea resolved to use the Council-owned land at 1F Ashline St, Wollert for social and/or affordable housing, under a lease agreement for up to 50 years. The Council resolution included the following requirements:
- Ensure the design is consistent with the existing neighbourhood character and does not exceed two stories.
- Provide a flexible community space on the site, to be managed by Council
- Preferentially allocate dwellings to local residents or people with local connections, with preference for young families, older people, women, key workers and people with disabilities.
Beyond Housing was chosen by Council to construct and manage the homes. The affordable housing development at 1F Ashline St, Wollert, has been designed to enhance the neighbourhood. It will include 27 homes, ranging from cosy one-bedrooms to two and three-bedroom homes suitable for families of all sizes. The homes are mostly single-storey and crafted with high-quality materials and thoughtful landscaping.

Community consultation
What we did
Beyond Housing consulted with the neighbouring community on the draft design during June 2024 via online, paper and in-person approaches.
Approaches used

Key engagement themes
- The benefits social/affordable housing
- What is planned for 1F Ashline Street
- About the housing provider
- Details of the engagement
Who participated
We had 25 people complete the online survey, 2 people return a paper copy and 6 people attended the Drop In session on 18 June 2024. The majority (85%) of those engaging with this process were from the 3570 postcode.
We had 25 people complete the online survey, 2 people return a paper copy and 6 people attended the Drop In session on 18 June 2024. The majority (85%) of those engaging with this process were from the 3570 postcode.
What we heard
Participants provided input on a range of design questions about the appearance of the housing and the preferred use of the community space.
We saw an improvement on how supportive people are of the project compared with the consultation undertaken in 2021-22, although there are still people who feel the housing design doesn’t fit well with the area.

We received clear guidance on the key design questions about how the community wants the housing to look.
Exterior preference
Some variation

57% prefer
30% prefer a lot of variation and 13% prefer no variation
Landscape preference
Mixed native and introduced

54% prefer
29% prefer all native and 17 prefer all introduced
Fencing preference
Low-rise slat

67% prefer
21% prefer mid-rise pool style and 12% prefer no fencing
When considering the community space, participants ranked the two outdoor options the highest – citing children’s play, community connection, socialising and having some access to nature and break up the built landscape as the key reasons for this preference.

How we have responded
The feedback received through the consultation has been used to inform the final designs and use of the affordable housing dwellings and the flexible community space. The following design responses have been incorporated:
- The design elements preferred by neighbours have been adopted:
- Exterior colour palettes will incorporate some variation, with materials to be durable and generally in keeping with neighbouring homes.
- Low fencing will be constructed along the street frontages, with planting behind to present attractively to the street
- Mixed native and non-native species will be incorporated into the landscaping, which will be designed to be hardy, low-maintenance and water-efficient.
- The proposed carports have been converted to garages with roller doors.
- The community space will be an open, outdoor space with combined garden, seating and play space, as selected by the community
What comes next
The designs for the site are currently being finalised. An appropriately qualified builder will be chosen via a select tender process. Construction is expected to commence in mid-2025 and conclude by the end of 2026.
About Social and Affordable Housing
For most Victorians, a stable, affordable home is the key to a more prosperous, more secure life. However, rising living costs and a shortage of affordable housing are making it tough for many to find homes within their communities. At Beyond Housing, we are driven by the belief that everyone deserves a safe, stable place to live.
Currently, there’s a pressing need for 4,409 affordable homes in the Whittlesea area, where only 1.3% of households benefit from social housing, compared to 2.3% in greater Melbourne.
About Beyond Housing
Beyond Housing is a community-focused, not-for-profit registered housing provider dedicated to ending homelessness and improving housing affordability and stability.
We provide homes to those facing financial barriers, empowering our renters to secure and maintain stable tenancies. Our support extends to individuals in private rentals at risk of eviction, helping them stabilise their housing situations.
Our thorough selection process ensures that renters are well-matched to their homes and neighbourhoods. We consider their community connections and suitability, ensuring harmonious integration. We give priority to those most in need, selecting from the Victorian Housing Register those who urgently need community housing.
We take pride in our long track record of delivering affordable, well-maintained, liveable homes that are integrated seamlessly into local communities, enhancing the quality of life for all residents.
If you would like more information, please contact:
Beyond Housing Seymour Office – 5735 2000 | or visit Beyond Housing
City of Whittlesea – 9217 2170 | or visit City of Whittlesea