Thanks to our major partners
We proudly work with a wide range of Government, public and private partners, collaborating to help achieve our purpose to end homelessness.
Our heartfelt thanks to our major partners the Victorian State Government, and The Peter & Lyndy White Foundation. Without their support many of our services and the construction of more safe, secure, and affordable housing would not be possible. On behalf of those we help on the pathway home, thank you. Your contribution makes what we do possible.

The Victorian Government
The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing provides ongoing funding to support a range of homelessness services and housing support to help us in our purpose to end homelessness.
Homes Victoria provides us funding to construct affordable housing. We thank them for their recognition that having a home can provide people with the foundation to stabilise their lives, and participate in education, work, and the community.
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The Peter & Lyndy White Foundation
A Melbourne based philanthropic private ancillary fund, The Peter & Lyndy White Foundation’s mission is to enhance the quality of life of Victoria’s disadvantaged and vulnerable community members, supporting them in making positive long-term changes in their lives.
Like us, they are focussed on ending homelessness and they support our work to construct more safe, secure, and affordable housing for regional Victorians.
We have been collaborating with the Peter & Lyndy White Foundation since 2018 and by the end of 2022, together, we will have proudly commissioned 152 houses which will accommodate over 200 of our most vulnerable community members.
Our annual partnership builds over 40 homes across our region each year and continues into 2022/23. Their incredible generosity will continue to make a significant difference in the lives of homeless and at-risk regional Victorians for generations to come.
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The Australian Government
The Department of Social Services awarded BeyondHousing three of seven grants in Victoria as part of the Federal Government’s $60 million ‘Safe Places Emergency Accommodation’ program to keep women and children safe from family violence across the nation. We received a total grant of $1.17 million towards construction costs.
This significant project is a unique crisis housing design, offering short-term accommodation in fully furnished one- and two-bedroom units. This project provides immediate housing safety for women and children impacted by family violence, enabling access to ongoing supports, and to plan for a long-term home of their own.
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Partner with us.
Looking for a meaningful way to meet your personal philanthropic or business objectives, whilst doing good? Partner with us to end homelessness and change minds, systems and lives